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3 February 2016

So What Does a Hypnotherapist Do All Day?

Working in a practice that offers hypnotherapy in London and Winchester means that my days tend to be really interestering. Hypnotherapy is one of those jobs that people want to know more about.

They ask me questions like: What does it all entail? Does hypnotherapy for anxiety or confidence really work? Do you have a big, black sofa?

I was recently interviewed by a writer for an article and, when we’d finished, I asked him if I could use the interview on my website. I thought it might give a good insight into what a hypnotherapist does. Here’s how it went…

What’s a typical day for you?
I start the day being awoken by my young son! Once we’re up, the first thing I do is make sure I begin on a positive footing by doing some quiet self-work. The technique I most often use is called Havening, which helps me deal with any negative thoughts and feelings and lets me be more positive.

When does work start?
After breakfast with my son and other half I look at my schedule. Any hypnotherapy sessions that I have that day I will already have prepared for, so I’ll glance over those again just to make sure everything’s fresh in my mind. If I have appointments in London, I take the train which is an hour from my home in Winchester, making sure I’m always a good 20 minutes early.

Who are the clients?
It’s a complete mix, and they will be seeing me for hypnotherapy for smoking, for weight loss, for confidence, anxiety – all sorts. Some will be new clients and it may be the first time I’ve seen them, although I’ll already have spoken to them all because we offer a free initial consultation. Others might be on a second or third visit, though sometimes just one session is needed – it depends on what their concern is.

What happens during a session?
I work with the client to help them achieve the result they want. Sessions last 90 minutes and there are a variety of techniques we can use, including Havening, NLP and timeline therapy. There’s no ‘look into my eyes’ moment or a pocket watch dangling from a chain. It’s very conversational and relaxed.

What else does the day entail?
I speak to potential new clients, I do some paperwork and I often update my website, which is the first place many clients get a feel for what we do. It has to be representative of our service and fill people with confidence – not just in terms of going on to contact us, but about the whole idea of clinical hypnotherapy in general.

What’s the last thing you do before bed?
Well one thing my other half recently taught me was that it’s a lovely idea to acknowledge the three best things you’ve done that day before turning the lights off. It helps end the day on a high, it’s really useful and it’s an exercise I’ve worked on with clients. Then I use some Ha-breathing and self-hypnosis to get me to sleep. It often takes just one minute and you can learn how to use it via a free download we offer.

If you’d like to know more about how hypnotherapy can help you, why not fill in our quick contact form? I offer a free consultation to all new clients, plus I’ll send you a free audio download to help you relax.

Get your FREE consultation & FREE download (value £50) today.

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