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7 November 2012

How a two-minute technique could ‘fire up’ your confidence, Obama-style!

President Obama really got the crowds & the US electorate really motivated with the mantra of everyone being ‘fired up and ready to go’.

And with fear of public speaking being one of most common fears people have, here’s one mega-tip on how to get yourself ‘fired up and ready to go’ in order to get the result you want.   The great thing is it works really quickly.

If you’ve ever trained with David Shephard, you’ll know he teaches a variation on the following technique and the importance of ‘acting as if’, in order to get what you want.  For example, if you need to be for example ‘powerful and strong’ in a meeting, what you have to do is find somewhere private before the meeting.

From here, get yourself into the pose(s) that are necessary for you to get the result you want in that meeting.  Really pump yourself up both physically and mentally for two minutes by rehearsing you getting the result you want and/or need.   Then go out there and do it.

So, if you need to be powerful, imagine yourself doing just that.

Clearly, it’s important to be the version of you that is an echo of who you actually are.  Put another way, you don’t have to look like some odd TV evangelist.  Just be a better version of who you are.

TED talks:

Ask yourself; do you do anything specifically before going into a meeting or presentation to get you in the right emotional and physical state?  If not, now’s the time to start.

And the important thing is this works!  If you take a look at this great TED talk: Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are | Video on you will see about the positive effects ‘acting as if’ can have on your body and mind & the impact your physiology can have on your audience.

Now, in itself for some people, it may be enough enable most people to get a result.  And similarly, I’m not naïve enough to think by itself it will cure all presenting anxiety.

That said, it can begin change.  And for the sake of doing a two-minute technique, why wouldn’t you not want to do it?  Go on, give it a go and less us know how you get on.  And if you’d like an even more involved personalised session, do get in touch.


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