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3 January 2013

How to create the one goal to create a new habit in 2013 – part 1!

So we’ve made it past a Mayan apocalypse and mounds of mince pies.  Welcome then to 2013!

What do you want this year?  What is it, that in a year’s time you want to turn around and say, ‘yes, I did that’.  Some of us will get what we want and others of us will fall on our asses!  Which one do you want to do?

In this 2-part blog, I’ll look at two different options to help give you a new habit.  In the first part, you’ll see what are your two very clear options. Option one is the old school ‘toughing it out method’.  The second is showing how NLP & hypnotherapy for habit-breaking & habit-making work in a fraction of the time.

In the second part, (posted tomorrow), I’ll share 7 hints and tips about how to get what you want much quicker.

One session or 66 days?

 If you’re reading this on Jan 3rd, then Saturday 17th March is the day that on average a new habit will have taken to become ingrained.  That’s right, the old myth of it taking 28 days is officially rubbish!  A new habit can take 66 days to learn and become automated:

On one level that’s pretty cool.  Something that can last the rest of your life taking just 66 days to learn.   Conversely, as part of the ‘I want it now’ consumer culture, it’s pretty hard to swallow isn’t it?  So, what’s the right thing to expect for you to expect?

Why choose to take 9 weeks to do something when you could learn a new habit in one session* via NLP and/or hypnotherapy?  Let me give you two clear examples:

  • If you have a phobia, NLP & hypnotherapy for phobia removal can work in just one 2-hour session*.  That’s right, it works and works quickly and permanently.
  • Similarly smoking.  NLP & hypnotherapy for smoking cessation is shown to be 15 x more powerful than willpower and 3 x more effective than nicotine replacement*.
  • Or even the likes of nail biting.  That’s pretty easy and takes approx. an hour*!

The choice is pretty easy to make I think.  Now, I’m not saying that you can just magically learn an entirely new skill.  What I am saying is that you can habit make or habit break with hypnotherapy and NLP, much, much quicker.  You can also amplify the learning or new habit you are trying to achieve, through rehearsal which NLP & hypnotherapy can aid.

This, as opposed to what it is you don’t want and that you’re probably doing right now.

Tomorrow I’ll share 7 things you need to do to get what you want.  How you choose to get there is entirely up to you.  I just know I wouldn’t wait 66 days!  See you tomorrow!

It’d be great to get your feedback, so please comment below.  Or, if you’d like to get in touch and learn how we can help you, give us a call for free on 0800 122 3073.

See you tomorrow!


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