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5 January 2013

6 tips for successfully creating a new habit (from a clinical hypnotherapist)

In an earlier blog post, I wrote about the choices you have when creating a new habit. One way is to use willpower. The second is the potentially faster option, using NLP and hypnotherapy for habit breaking and habit making*.

What’s interesting about them both is that they each have similar fundamentals and require action to make them happen. One just takes a lot longer!

Willpower takes longer because learning is mostly done unconsciously. For example, you don’t consciously think how to drive. Of course, you had to think about it at first. Then, one day it became automatic – and now you don’t consciously think about it at all. That’s unconscious learning, and we all do it all of the time. NLP & hypnotherapy for habit breaking and habit making simply turbo-boosts that process.

By following the tips below, you could find yourself getting what you want. Like many of us, I am inspired by the Olympics; can you imagine the likes of Chris Hoy and Jessica Ennis not following these kinds of attitudes to make success happen?

6 tips for success/how to create a new habit

  • Be bold. What’s the one thing you want/need that would make the biggest change to your life?  As my partner tells me, ‘life’s too short for cheap wine’. It’s your life and your choice. And yes, if you want more than one goal, go for it. You might have more than one and if you do… great. Just don’t overload yourself, as you’ve still got a life to lead!
  • Be positive. State your goal positively. For example, ‘I want to weigh xyz’. The reason for this is because consciously, you can’t process a negative. So, if I were to say don’t think of a blue tree, you’d automatically picture a blue tree. So, make your goals both clear and positive.
  • Follow a SMART goal. SMART goals are used in all good businesses. Spend a little time answering these questions in relation to your goals. Is your goal:

S:  specific/simple/significant e.g. I want to earn £100k / weigh 12 stone.

M: measurable/meaningful/motivational e.g. £100k net of tax this year.

A: act as if it has been achieved/agreed upon/attainable/acceptable/action-oriented. It’s also important to express in the present tense.

R: realistic/responsible/relevant/reasonable/rewarding/results-oriented.

T: toward what you want/timed.

  • Plan your goal. Focus on the first week, month, 3 months, 6 months and year. Even go ahead to three or five years. The more detail you give, the better it will be.
  • Mentally rehearse. Spend a few minutes every day mentally rehearsing yourself achieving your goal.  Really picture yourself successfully getting what you want. Hear the sounds, notice the great feelings you will feel. Focus and do this every day.
  • Take action. The key is action. If you want to get what you want, you have to take action. Therefore, focus on getting what you want. Look back at your SMART goals, as they’ll help you check if you’re on track.

Now it’s over to you. Some of you may want some help in pushing yourself and gaining confidence, so tomorrow, I’m going to share a really brilliant self-hypnosis technique that is quick and will reinforce point #5.

If you’d like to discover how clinical hypnotherapy (face-to-face or over Zoom) can help you, get in touch today and claim your free, no-obligation, 20-minute consultation. I’m also offering 10% off my standard fees to new clients for a limited time.

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